P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

Příspěvekod Pavlik » 15 srp 2021, 17:18



Prodam bronzovy bush na nb (r.v. 02-05) 6tikvalt. Pro presnejsi chod radicky - zbyl mi tu omylem jeden kus navic.
Pokud jste z Prahy nebo okoli, klidne muzete vyzkouset, jak to řadí - mam i na svem NBFL 6q.
Za mě skoro povinnost mít, pokud máte šestistupňovou převodovku :)

Pozor, jde jen na uvedene roky. Vice info na 5Xracing.com

Cena: 500 kč

Plati do smazani inzeratu.
Naposledy upravil Pavlik dne 16 srp 2021, 12:18, celkově upraveno 1
Příspěvky: 65
Registrován: 10 čer 2018, 14:20

Re: P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

Příspěvekod vhml » 16 srp 2021, 11:05

V čem je pak rozdíl? Jakože to má menší vůli?
Příspěvky: 1070
Registrován: 28 črc 2015, 12:11
Bydliště: Chodsko

Re: P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

Příspěvekod Pavlik » 16 srp 2021, 11:58

Je to přesnější a přestal jsem mít problém zařadit 6ku. S autem nezávodím, měl jsem strach, že na daily to bude moc tvrdý, ale je to v poho. :)
Popis, hodnocení a video zde:


The plastic shift bushing that comes in Miata transmissions from the factory is easily the weakest link, and if you're taking your Miata to the track, this is something that should be addressed before you break it during track use. We essentially solved the "Miata bushing problem" with our aluminum bushing, and while we never found the strength limit of our aluminum bushings in our 5XR Miata racecars, there were those select few out there that needed more in terms of strength for their Miata racecars. This lead us to look into making an even stronger bushing for the hardest of the hardcore!

Bronze is a super tough metal that is used in high stress, high wear automotive applications, such as: springs, bearings, bushings, automobile transmission pilot bearings, fittings, small drive gears, and valve guides. Bronze also has very low metal-on-metal friction characteristics, which makes it a prime candidate for a shifter bushing. Bronze is also a heavy metal, and you'll feel the weight of our bushings when you hold them in your hand! The density of bronze is much higher than that of aluminum. When strength and toughness is of importance in your Miata racecar, you've worn out an aluminum bushing before, you're really hard on your Miata's transmission, or you just simply never want to worry about the OEM plastic bushing breaking, pop one of our bronze shifter bushings in your transmission and slam away!

Great Product! Currently 5/5 Stars
Reviewed by: Aaron07/05/2016 03:39AM
Product ownership: Less than 1 year

I've had some difficulties shifting through my 6th gear -- couldn't seem to find it quick enough. So I decided to have a go at this based on a little bit of internet search and previous experience on a different platform.
It worked so well and I am so satisfied! I had wanted to do a short-shifter, but was hesitant as it's expensive and stock already throws short and such a stiff price for 6speeds... this product by itself improved it significantly that I no longer want to go that way - the shifting is swift and crisp.
I had some challenges installing, as most online sources are in 5-speed. But 5x Racing staff was very helpful in pointing me to the right direction to do a proper install.
Kudos to 5x folks for good price and customer service!

Easy and very solid! Currently 5/5 Stars
Reviewed by: Cramer07/19/2016 05:59AM
Product ownership: Less than 1 month

I have nothing bad to say about the bushing. Everyone should get one! It is very much worth the extra money if you are already in there doing a shifter rebuild. The shifting is very tight and precise! I love it!
Příspěvky: 65
Registrován: 10 čer 2018, 14:20

Re: P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

Příspěvekod vhml » 19 srp 2021, 09:15

Když koukám na to video a porovnám s mým autem, tak mám tu vůli v řadičce mám rozhodně menší. Tak to asi nebude produkt pro mě :lol:
Příspěvky: 1070
Registrován: 28 črc 2015, 12:11
Bydliště: Chodsko

Re: P: Upgraded Bronze Bush 5X Racing 02-05 6 speed MX5 NB

Příspěvekod Pavlik » 19 srp 2021, 09:45

Asi ne :)
Pro ostatní: jak jsem psal, pokud jste z Prahy a okoli (nebo okolo Chlumce nad Cidlinou), muzete to vyzkouset primo na mem aute a ne na videu :D
Příspěvky: 65
Registrován: 10 čer 2018, 14:20

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